Over many years Rabbi Dunner has collected innumerable oddities and rarities spanning every era of Jewish history and literary activity.
In the fifth episode of his series “Treasures from the Rabbi’s Library”, Rabbi Dunner continues to reveal some of the forgotten pieces hidden away in storage for many years, revealing the stories behind them, and the reasons for his interest in them.
In this episode, Rabbi Dunner shares an intriguing rabbinic journal article written by a mysterious author who purports to differentiate between two rabbis who shifted in their views from anti-zionism to a position of support for a State of Israel.
Based on books in his library and other documentary evidence, Rabbi Dunner demonstrates why the article’s thesis is utterly false, inter-alia revealing both the identity of its author, and the dramatic story of Rabbi Yissochor Shlomo Teichtal, the author of “Eim Habonim Semeicha”, one of the most impressive rabbinic books of the twentieth century.