Over many years Rabbi Dunner has collected innumerable oddities and rarities spanning every era of Jewish history and literary activity. In the third episode of his series “Treasures from the Rabbi’s Library”, Rabbi Dunner continues to reveal some of the forgotten pieces hidden away in storage for many years, revealing the stories behind them, and the reasons for his interest in them.
In this episode, Rabbi Dunner shares a remarkable piece of history — a volume of Darkei Teshuva that belonged to his grandfather’s great-uncle, the Chief Rabbi of Holland, and he explains how this unusual book made its way into his possession. He also discusses a file of polemics relating to the epic battle between Belz and the Eda Chareidis in the early 1980s, revealing his family’s personal connection to Belz and the Belzer Rebbe. And finally, Rabbi Dunner shares a unique book written by the late Rosh Yeshiva of Chaim Berlin, Rav Yitzchok Hutner, whose capture by hijackers in 1970 had a profound personal impact on Rabbi Dunner’s life.