In the first shiur on this topic, Rabbi Dunner discussed the passage in Shoftim which instructs us about the binding nature of rabbinic law. He began discussing the boundaries of this mitzvah and whether it means all rabbinic law is Torah obligated.
The pesukim seem to limit the law to Temple times. Does that mean this mitzva is now extinct? And if it is not extinct, should one only consult Torah scholars on matters of Torah law, or are we expected to consult them on non-Torah related matters as well?
Is it theologically acceptable for us to believe that rabbis make mistakes, and if we know for sure they have erred, what should we do? What is expected of us if two rabbis of great stature disagree on a point of Jewish law – such as Hillel and Shammai? Are we expected to listen to both of them? How is this even possible?
In this second shiur Rabbi Dunner continues to delve into both ancient and more recent texts to help define the concept of “emunat chachamim” for a modern era.